I Will Miss Everything
Emily, Florence, Spring 2012
May 11, 2012

The past month has been a lot of travel. I went to the Amalfi coast, Barcelona, Rome, Venice, and Munich. Each trip was a different experience and got me closer to those I went with. Munich was my second favorite trip this whole time, Greek island hopping for spring break was my favorite. In Munich was a big festival and everyone dressed in old German attire. My family visited and it seemed like everyone else’s did too. It was nice to have people from home around, but even cooler to show them the city.

Sadly my time abroad has come to it’s last few days. Lately I’ve planned out the last things I need to get or see or do before I leave. I started to take pictures of my street and the buildings I see when I walk to class or other places. I hope these pictures will allow me to remember every moment of my experience. My time abroad has been amazing and a life I will never have again. Even though it was hard to adjust, and I look forward to the luxuries of the US, I still know I will miss everything.

Emily – University of South Carolina

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