Barcelona’s Ready For You, But Are You Ready For Barcelona?
Jamie, Barcelona, Fall 2015
October 21, 2015

I consider myself to be someone who is always prepared. I like knowing that I can handle any curve ball or unexpected situation that may come my way. So once I decided to study abroad, I began to research anything and everything about picking the right place to spend my semester abroad. Shortly, I came to the conclusion that Barcelona was the city for me. I was intrigued by its unique culture, bustling city life, and breathtaking views of the mountains and beaches. But that part was pretty easy, how could you not be encaptured by Barcelona? The next step was preparing myself for the actual living part of studying abroad. How can I pack for four months in a suitcase? Would Barcelona feel like home? What if I forgot something?

Jamie S - Barcelona - Fall 15

Cafes and cortados are something to live by

Jamie S - Barcelona - Fall 15

Catalan flag in the streets of Barcelona!

My first piece of advice would be to relax, sit down for a night, and just research about your city. With technology today, there are so many useful tools to help you find information about whatever you need to know about studying abroad!

My particular favorite was Pinterest. By just searching a couple terms like ‘packing’ ‘Barcelona’ and ‘study abroad’, I was given so many blogs and websites about experiences from previous study abroad students and travellers. They answered all the questions I had and more.

Jamie S - Barcelona - Fall 15

So relaxing to take a walk in Parc la Ciutadella

Don’t let the stress of packing get to you. You can buy most generic brands at the grocery stores, it may not be your favorite but they have something close to it. The only type of toiletries I brought from home was face wash and lotion- everything else you can find here! As for clothing, my number one suggestion is to remember that it is not always summer in Barcelona. That might be deceiving considering the beach and palm trees everywhere but trust me, it can get a little chilly at times. I regret not packing more pants and long sleeves.

Jamie S - Barcelona - Fall 15

Go for a hike to Tibidabo to see the amazing views!

Getting comfortable in a new city, let alone a new country, is difficult. Some things that have helped me feel at home are cooking inside the apartment instead of going out to eat. Even though it may not be a homemade meal cooked by mom, it is nice to cook in the kitchen with your roommates and sit around the table to talk about your day. It’s also important to keep doing the hobbies you do at home. If you’re a jogger, go for runs in the park and around the city. For me, I love to just sit down for a night and read a book. I like to read in the sunroom of my apartment but on nice days I don’t mind going to a park or restaurant to read as well. Keep doing what you love.

Jamie S - Barcelona - Fall 15

Boardwalk on the beach, always changing and exciting!


Jamie is a current student at University of Dayton studying at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona in Spain during the Fall 2015 term.

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