Five Fun Facts About SAI Programs: Sebastopol
January 16, 2019

  1. We have two annual staff gatherings: a summer barbecue in August and a fabulous holiday party each December.

Staff members at the SAI summer barbecue

2. There are fourteen of us in the U.S office, plus many more working remotely in the U.S.  We also have a lot of SAI staff working in our onsite offices in Rome, Florence, Milan, Sorrento, Siena, Paris & Barcelona.

SAI staff at our annual strategy meeting 2018

3.   We have two furry, regular office “mascots:” Gaia and Patty.

Sweet puppy Gaia

   4.  43% of our California office speaks Italian!

SAI staff at a study abroad fair

    5. 50% of our California office staff has lived abroad.  Not bad for a study abroad office!

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