Forever Grateful
Ezra, Florence, Spring 2013
June 17, 2013

Besides being able to see the world, before embarking abroad I envisioned this opportunity as a way to become more culturally diverse, as well as a chance for me to reach a certain level of self discovery, all while continuing my education. I can honestly say that this experience has been the greatest four months of my life and it could not have been possible without the help of SAI scholarship committee.

Not only was I able to interact with people of Italian culture on a day to day basis, but I myself felt culturally immersed into a new way of life and found myself changing habits of mine since the time I was a child. The program was set up perfectly for all of the students to be in a situation to excel while abroad and to be prepared for the many different challenges that students are faced with while studying in another country.

I can’t stress enough how instrumental SAI was in helping me adapt into my new surroundings. When faced with these everyday challenges I was really able to discover who I was based off the decisions I made and feel this new self discovery will help me in the future. Being stranded in another country with no phone is not a position anybody would want to be in and can often be dangerous. Coming out okay out of situations like this makes gives me the confidence I need to take on any challenges the world throws at me and succeed now and in the future.

Thank You to all those who have made this amazing opportunity possible, I will forever be grateful.




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