The City That Always Sleeps
Maday, Florence, Spring 2013
April 5, 2013

Florence surprises me more and more everyday.  I am very happy to be living in “Oltrano” which means the other side of the river.  Everyday I meet new people (locals) that are willing to help me with my Italian, it is a less touristy area so it is easier to really become part of the authentic Italian everyday life.  It is so interesting to see how incredibly different life here is and it is really funny finding out the things that we “Americans” do that are not ok by italian standards, such as not using gloves to handle fruits and vegetables or getting plastic bags for your groceries. Living here in the foreign world has not only opened by eyes to things that I do and do not do in my home country but it really starts to prioritize your life.  I have been thinking a lot about what I really want to be doing for the rest of my life, the choices that I will have to make when I graduate.  Living outside of my comfort zone has made a better person, a more aware person, it has already taught me so much about myself.  Not living in the familiar truly makes you pay attention and appreciate the world around you.

My friends and I have had the opportunity to travel to other areas and cities in Italy through school,  and for pleasure,  and although it has been amazing to see other parts of this beautiful country every time we get back to our apartment in Florence we are happy to be Home. Florence very quickly felt like home away from home.  Having my friends from New York really helps to make this home.

Florence has proven to be the best of both worlds, country meets the city.  Although Florence is considered a city to Italians, however to me, coming from new york, Florence has a very country feel to it.  I did however realize that it get much more country than Florence. At first it was weird to me that restaurants closed at 10, and would not seat you for dinner until after 7, however I have learned to embrace they way one is suppose to live here.  The Italian way.   Florence has taught me how to slow my life down and find the joy in the little things.  There is a very beautiful italian saying that I learned here and its “dolce fa niente”, or the sweetness of doing nothing.  It is healthy to take time out of your day to have a proper meal, to take a walk if its a nice day, or chat with a friend over some cappuccino in the morning even if it makes you late to work.  Italians, I have learned take the day as it unfold in front of them, they enjoy living in the moment.

If New York is the city that never sleeps Florence is the City that always sleeps, and I love it.

– Maday, Parsons The New School of Design


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